Under Construction ![]() History:Borrowing library books in e-book format: Library U.S. Libraries began providing free e-books to the public in 1998, although the e-books were primarily scholarly, technical or professional in nature. In 2008, OverDrive announced that it would provide download services for Borders Books. In 2011 many more libraries offered e-book checkout using overdrive software that you could read on your desktop or laptop computer or your eReader (kindle, nook, iPad, Android, Sony...). You can get books in several different file formats (some books are available in all formats, others in only 1 or 2.) pdf - Fixed line length (will not flow text to fit the screen) so you have to scroll yourself. kindle - Will remember where you were when your checkout expires. EPUB - Can download directly to tablets or eReaders See OverDrive-Device Resource Center for others.
See also video formats, ereaders, tablets, other kindles, other nooks. a. Amazon.com: Free Kindle Reading Apps 1. The iPad has iWork apps (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) which read and write MS Office documents. 2. Word documents and other formats (rtf, jpeg, gif, png, bmp) can be converted via e-mail for viewing on the kindle. 3. The Documents to Go app ($15 & free ver.) will read MS Office documents
4. I copied MP3 songs I had ripped and M4As I just bought from the iTunes store and they played. Older iTunes files are DRM (Digital Rights Management) protected and can't be copied. 5. Experimental browser. (search for "webKit" at Amazon's kindle page.)
Format Reader pdf Adobe Acrobat (app on most of above devices) Adobe EPUB Adobe Digital Editions (Mac, PC), OverDrive (iPad, Android, ) Kindle Kindle Reader - Kindle app for most of devices above (All kindle books are also on EPUB) pdf has fixed line lengths, so you may have to scroll left and right on a small screen EPUB and Kindle will flow text to fit your screen/window Other: OEPUB - Open EPUB - No DRM (Digital Rights Management), free to copy OPDF - Open PDF On kindle Can download directly from Amazon to PC Must put in documents directory to kindle Audiobooks MP3 - Mac, iPod, Windows WMA - Windows AA AAXCompatible devices | OverDrive - Device Resource Center: Mac, Windows, iPhone®/iPad®/iPod touch®, Android™, BlackBerry®, Windows Phone 7
iPad All OverDrive distributed e-books, audiobooks, music, and video play in a proprietary media player called OverDrive Media Console, while e-books can also be downloaded and played in Adobe Digital Editions software. Overdrive is the most common software used by libraries for e-books.
Getting Media: Instructions for libraries:
2. With MyHelp.overdrive you will have to click one of the other tabs then go back to Setup Where are the files: Windows: C:\users\[std usr]\my documents\my digital editions\xxx.epub Mac: ~/Documents/Digital Editions/The_Social_Media_Survival_Guide.epub ~/Downloads/TheSocialMediaSurvivalGuide.ascm ~ = your folder under /Users The book: The_Social_Media_Survival_Guide.epub It also updates your manifest.xml file with the expiration date and other things. The overdrive system also creates an .ascm (Adobe Content Server Message File). This is adobe's form of rights management. See ebook-system. OverDrive Media Console: download and shortcut keys Help at Overdrive | Somerset Co Library Nook - Download to PC and transfer to Nook via USB Kindle - USB like Nook or direct from Amazon with Wi-Fi iPad, Android, - Download with overdrive app Mac - Windows: Read with Adobe Digital Additions Publishers: Some publishers (e.g. peachpit press) allow you to download their books in ePub
ACSM - Adobe rights management. Requires special app which gets book from the Internet. Apps: GoodReader - Optimized PDF reader BlueFire Reader Readmill Terms: DRM controls right to have on multiple copies, lend, print, ... Links: eReaders E-Readers for Everyone: Teaching Tips Webinar | TechSoup.org Comparison of e-book formats - Wikipedia Project Gutenberg - free ebooks Mutopia - Free sheet music Libraries Got Screwed by Amazon and Overdrive | Librarian in Black Blog - Sarah Houghton Return to Reference