Help with the I-80 Travel Pages

Distance from Truckee - The number listed under the "Distance from Truckee" column is the distance from the Hwy 89 South/Lake Tahoe Exit at Truckee.
Distance from Truckee to:
Reno:         32 mi.
Squaw Valley: 11.5 mi.
Tahoe City:   14 mi.
Kings Beach:  13.5 mi.
The mileages were done by me using a calibrated odometer. Other mileages may differ. for example:
To Colfax Riverside Ave.,
Antelope Rd.
Citrus Heights
Time to
My measurment 50.9 84.1 85.7
CalTrans * 50 83 85
Yahoo Maps 50.2 82.6 84.4 1:22
MapQuest 50.2 82.8 84.5 1:16
MapsOnUs 51.2 82.4 1:50
(Used: 11320 Donner Pass Rd. since Hwy 89 & I 80 is ambiguous.)
* CalTrans is based on exit numbers which represent mileage from the start of I 80 in San Francisco. (Note: the mileage to San Francisco shown in signs is a few miles more; I assume it is to downtown.)

Notation: "I 80" works for the common Internet mapping programs, so we will generally us it instead of "I-80" "Interstate 80" etc.

The detailed pages list Services under Eastbound or Westbound, for services on that side of the highway. Unless otherwise noted there is an overpass so they can be reached from both directions.

Clicking on one of the exits in the list below the table does a yellow pages search for all businesses within 1/4 mile of the exit. Many fast food restaurants and gas stations don't have listed numbers, so they will not show up in the yellow pages. You can't get the numbers by calling 411 either.

Most of the Web yellow pages seem to have a lot of discrepancies for mountain areas, so mileages are frequently not very accurate. Sometimes businesses that are several miles away are shown as within 1/4 mile.

Small towns like Baxter and Cisco Grove supported many small businesses when Highway 40 was the primary route over the summit, but since 1964, when the final part of I-80 over the summit was completed, they have been dying out. With a few exceptions like the Rainbow Lodge, all there is between Colfax and Truckee are a few gas stations with Mini-Marts and a couple of restaurants at I-80 exits.

GAS There are gas stations every 6 - 12 miles and most sell chains during the winter.

See other references for more information. Maps at Yahoo
I-80 Sierra Nevada | Roseville | Loomis | Auburn | Applegate | Colfax | Gold Run | Baxter | Emigrant Gap | Cisco | Soda Springs | Donner Lake | Truckee | Reno | Tahoe Maps | Ski Info | Directions
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