Israel/Palestine History (Including 2023 Israeli Hamas War) | Israel | Jewish Culture | Antisemitism | Jewish Success | Arab Israeli Wars | Hate Crimes | Bias in Arab-Israeli Conflict
last updated 30 Dec 2023

Note: 39% of the worlds 15 million Jews live in the US.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported single-bias anti-Jewish hate crime incidents in the country sharply rose by more than 37% in 2022 and comprised more than half of all religion-based hate crimes in 2022.
Jews make up around 2 percent of the U.S. population. Yet, in 2022, according to the FBI data, reported antisemitic hate crime incidents accounted for 9.6 percent of all hate crimes.

Religion-based hate crimes, which represented approximately 18 percent of all reported hate crimes

Anti-jewish vs Anti-Semitic The The FBI is still using the term anti-jewish.
In an October 2023 press release President Biden was still using the term anti-semitic.

The philological term 'Semitic' referred to a family of languages originating in the Middle East.

Source: Anti-Semitism in the United States: Statistics on Religious Hate Crimes | JewishVirtualLibrary
Antisemitic Incidents Reported to ADL Increase Sharply During Israel-Hamas Conflict May 2021 | Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Note: Antisemitic incidents during the Gaza War in October 2023 were 4 times higher than in October 2022. Anti-Muslim Anti-Arab requests for help and complints in October 2023 were 3 times higher than in 2022.

In 2023, ADL tabulated 8,873 antisemitic incidents across the United States. This represents a 140% increase from the 3,698 incidents recorded in 2022 and is the highest number on record since ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents in 1979.

Source: Audit of Antisemitic Incidents 2023 | ADL

Examples of antisemitic incidents that include references to the 2021 Israel/Hamas conflict are

October 2023 Gaza War triggers an increase in hate crimes:
On October 7, 2023 when Hamas, the Iran-backed terror group controlling Gaza, a Palestinian state in the south of former Palestine most of which is Israel now, launched an unprovoked and vicious surprise attack on over 20 communities in Israel. Using rockets, paragliders, boats, motorcycles, other vehicles, and whatever other means they could, terrorists infiltrated the Jewish state and murdered around 1,210 innocent people.
In Kibbutz Beeri, they killed more than 120 Jews, from the elderly to babies. See 2023 Israel-Hamas war | wikipedia

Anti-Muslim Anti-Arab requests for help and complints in October 2023 were 3 times higher than in 2022.
Antisemitic incidents in October 2023 were 4 times higher than in 2022.

The Anti-Defamation League, is an American Jewish advocacy group
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is a Muslim civil rights organization,
Why the Gaza War Has Sparked a Wave of Antisemitism and Islamophobia in the US | Voice of America (VOA)

For those studying modern anti-Semitism, 1879 is a watershed year, as this is when the term "anti-Semitism" first appeared. A reaction to the benighted Judeo-phobia prevalent in medieval Europe, the term "anti-Semitism" aimed to address the growing concern over Jews and modernity: a battle to overturn the emancipation of German Jewry as well as shed light on the fast rate of Jewish visibility among high-ranking professional positions in Germany.
The architect of modern anti-Semitism, Wilhelm Marr, who came up with the term, was very much a product of the Enlightenment enterprise.
His 1849 political manifesto, "The Victory of Judaism over Germandon" warned that "the Jewish spirit and Jewish consciousness have overpowered the world."
Fast-forward to 1946 and we find a similar example of a new language created in order to express age-old Jew-hatred.
Stalin understood that in order to promote Jew-hatred, he had to package this animus in a language spoken by a Soviet Union recuperating from a largescale war where Soviet nationalism was quickly growing. A euphemism for Jew-hatred, the "battle against rootless cosmopolitans" aimed to disenfranchise ethnic Jews by showing them to have loyalties outside of the Soviet Union.
Furthermore, here in American within the social justice movement guiding our moral compass, Jew is synonymous with power for they have "white privilege." Source: The Evolving Anti-Semitic Language That Makes Anti-Semitism Acceptable | ClubZ
Scapegoating Jews:
Antisemitic Incidents Reported to ADL Increase Sharply During 2023 Israel-Hamas Conflict | Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says "Many of these incidents appear to have been perpetrated by individuals scapegoating American Jews for the actions of the Israeli government."
Anti-Semitism: 2,000 years of scapegoating the Jews | Jerusalem Post
lists several conspiracy theories blaming Jews for everything from the bubonic plague in the 14th century to the great depression.

The current (2020-)international Jewish conspiracy or world Jewish conspiracy has been described as "the most widespread and durable conspiracy theory of the twentieth century"

As we have seen in recent politics many people are susceptible to conspiracy theories like QAnon and that COVID-19 Vaccines would change human DNA.
In a 2023 American Psychological Association podcast, Karen Douglas, PhD said "It does make sense to me that there would have been particular periods in history that conspiracy theories would have been more prominent. And personally, I think we might be in one of those periods right now."
See also: People Drawn to Conspiracy Theories Share a Cluster of Psychological Features | ScientificAmerican 2019

There is big money and politics involved fighting antisemitism:
At December 5th, 2023 public hearing before the House Education and Workforce Committee where The presidents of Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) testified on combating antisemitism on college campuses.
They said something like they were trying to balance free speach with hate speach.
Billionaire Harvard alumnus Bill Ackman called on the presidents of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to resign "in disgrace". Ross Stevens an U. Penn alumni and Stone Ridge Asset Management CEO withdrew a gift to the University of Pensylvania valued at 100 million.

Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

For what it's worth I think that Jewish success in business, science, politics, ... has resulted in resentment by many towards them. But I am not a historian, sociologist or in any other way qualified to make that assessment.
The same effect as rural americans resenting the educated elite on the coasts and turning to Donald Trump.

See Jewish Success
and American View on Religions

ADL - Anti-Defamation League
Schumer Condemns Antisemitism, Warning the Left Against Abetting It | NY Times November 29, 2023
Antisemitism in American History | Anti-Defamation League ()
Anti-Semitism: 2,000 years of scapegoating the Jews | Jerusalem Post
What American Jews Fear Most | Chuck Schumer Opinion Essay, NY Times Nov 29,2023
Hate Crime Facts and Statistics | FBI
Learn About Hate Crimes | FBI
Anti-Judaism | wikipedia
FBI Data Reflects Deeply Alarming Record-High Number of Reported Hate Crime Incidents in the U.S. in 2022 | Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Oct 2023
Statistics on Religious Hate Crimes | Jewish Virtual Library
A fuzzy distinction Anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism | University of Chicago Press Journals