Don's Home Places Honduras Hearts for Honduras School
HFH logo Since October 1997 the Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church Honduras Project has been working to help relieve the miserable conditions in Honduras and bring hope for a better life to its people. The first year they helped build a church in La Majada.

They discovered that many children could not attend school because their parents could not afford the books and uniforms required by the government schools. So they helped finance and build a school, the "Hearts for Honduras School," for at-risk youth in La Entrada.

Honduras is a country where over 50% of the children do not finish 5th grade.
It one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere.
See Geography and Circumstances at

School Kids
School Children
2001223 -> 50
20034 120 est.

School Constr.
New Classroom Construction 2001

Dental Clinic
Dental Clinic
School 2002

2013 Update:
As of December 2012 the Hearts for Honduras School had graduated 153 students and over 60% of them were still in secondary schools. This is a great achievement considering the poverty where many children have to work to help support the family.
In 2013 there were five Hearts for Honduras graduates attending universities in Honduras and Guatemala.
Picture Gallery

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Return to La Entrada. .

last updated 19 Apr 2014