From: "Susan Elsner"
Subject: Yoga and Hiking - What to bring
Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009
Att: What to bring

Hi Yoga and Hiking participants,
Our trip is less then 3 months out now and sign-ups are not where I'd like to see them at this point. We need a minimum of 12 to run the trip and as of Friday we have 6, so if you know someone, or even better somebodies, who you think would enjoy the trip, please encourage them to sign-up. This trip has run full, that is with 20 participants, the last couple of years. You've probably heard the travel industry is really taking a hit this year because of the economy and sign-ups for Sierra Club Outings in general are well below the level of the past couple of years.

I'm attaching a What to Bring list, please check it out and let me know if you have any questions. Also (positive thinking!), be sure to continue your regular physical activities and now is the time to begin any extra conditioning you're planning to do for this trip. The better shape you're in when you arrive the more enjoyment you'll get out of the whole trip.
