Online signing:
One of the online signing services (can't remember which) verified my id with the following questions

Digi-Sign, The Certificate Corporation |
Electronically sign documents online | docusign
What the internet knows about you - Axios

ID Check - Identification Questions

    Where I rent a house and live part time.
    In which of the following counties have you ever lived or owned property? 
    Bristol, Massachusetts	Hudson, New Jersey
    Calaveras, California	Yolo, California
    El Dorado, California	I have never lived in any of these counties
    Nephew's birthdayWhich of the following age ranges most closely matches the age of 'Jane Doe' (my Niece)?
    21 to 25	51 to 55
    31 to 35	68 to 72
    40 to 44	None of the above or I am not familiar with this person
    Where I worked 20 years ago
    Which of the following street addresses in 'Piscataway' have you ever lived at or been associated with?
    103 Willever Way	47 South Kingston Avenue
    15 Shearn Drive	49 Berkshire Way
    3 Corporate Place	None of the above or I am not familiar with this property
    An organization where I was an active member
    Which of the following corporations have you ever been associated with?
    Avenir Inc	Sunshine Deli Market Inc
    Csxt Transportation	Titan Systems Corp
    Sierra Club	None of the above
    In which of the following states does 'John Doe' (my son) currently live or own property?
    California	Oklahoma
    Florida	Wyoming
    Nevada	None of the above or I am not familiar with this person
    Which of the following addresses have you ever been associated with?
    238 Van Buren Street	41 Charles Street
    275 Watchung Avenue	8 Wilfred Street
    34 Ridge Drive	I have never been associated with any of these addresses