Under Construction

There isn't any real consensus on what Web 3.0 is as of the spring of 2012.

Suggested key features are:

  • Data/Semantic Web - Inclusion of semantic content in web pages to promote common data formats.
    The semantic content will be in the form of metadata in web pages.
    Some standards for this include:
    Resource Description Framework (RDF) - Similar to classic conceptual modeling approaches such as entity-relationship or class diagrams
    and Web Ontology Language (OWL) - Allows applications to process the content of information instead of just presenting information to humans.

    See Tim, Lucy, and The Semantic Web - Web 3.0 | PCMag.com

  • Personalization - Content customized for users based on their implicit behaviour and preferences.
    Keywords will be searched based on your culture, region, and jargon.
  • Metaverse - Convergence of the virtual and physical world. e.g. Geosocial (Foursquare, etc.)
  • The web as a personal assistant. At HowStuffWorks they suggest you will be able to ask "I want to see a funny movie and then eat at a good Mexican restaurant. What are my options?"
Here are some examples at "Web 3.0 for Travel Marketers" from HSMAI Travel.
4 of the sites listed in their original article in 2010 are out of business.

Real-Time Data
Collecta collecta.com/ Monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and shows results as they happen
OneRiot www.oneriot.com/ Crawls the links people share on Twitter, Digg and other social sharing services, then indexes the content on those pages
FriendFeed friendfeed.com/ A service which, instead of layering a meta-network on top of all your other social networks, will create a news feed incorporating them all. Users tell the feed which networks they belong to and FriendFeed personalizes a data feed with info from each of the sites.

Location-based Social Networking:
across networks and devices
Glympse www.glympse.com/ A way to share your location with anyone for a specified period of time
GypSii www.gypsii.com/ Connects people, places and communities
Wikitude www.wikitude.org/ A mobile Augmented Reality (AR) platform

Search for Web 30
OWL Example with RDF Graph - Introduction to ontologies and semantic web - tutorial
RDF Tutorial
Tutorial 4: Introducing RDFS & OWL
DCMI Home: Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) - Wikipedia
See examples of rdf files in the eBook system.

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last updated 23 Apr 2012