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A guide for dummies like me who flunked bonehead english in college.
Time/Date Anniversaries, repeating events: biennial - Occurring every two years. biannual - Occurring twice a year. semiannual - half-yearly Quinquennial - 5 years Decennial - 10 years Semicentennial, Semi-centennial- 50 years Centennial - 100 years Sesquicentennial - 150 years Bicentennial - 200 years first week of the year - That week which includes the first Thursday of the year. his way the first week of the year does not start with a long weekend (Friday to Sunday), as the New Year's Day itself is a holiday in many countries. "next week" said on Sunday means "the week beginning tomorrow". first day of the week: USA - Monday Most of Europe - SundayISO (International Organization for Standardization) 8601 - Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times Guides: The Columbia Guide to Standard American English List of Usage Guides Links: Commonly Misused Words and Phrases at Weber State U. Using Tricky Words at CMU Words And Expressions Commonly Misused from The Elements of Style, William Strunk, Jr. (1869Ð1946). at bartleby.com Some Commonly Misused Words from Jim Loy's Languages Page International Reading Association - IRA Style Guide Writing Research Papers In Biology: Commonly Misused Words, Wade B. Worthen, Furman University Maine Legislative Drafting Manual: Word Choice and Usage Federal Highway Administration - Correspondence Manual - Word Usage Return to Etiquette