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Several things in the last 6 months got be interested in Retirement Issues and how to Age well. As we see more baby boomers retire we will see more of it.
Financial planning firms are distinguishing themselves by expanding their services to include Life Planning.
Some examples:

Expenses vary by location and age.
Where your money goes depends on location:
Housing varied from 23% in Durham NC, 24% in Minneapolis, to 41% in San Francisco.
The cost of living index by state varies from,
86% in Mississippi to 193 in Hawaii.
Most popular places to retire: Cost of living index.
Arizona         97
Florida         98
South Carolina  96
North Carolina  95
Oregon         134
New Hampshire  110
California     152
Median          98

See Cost Of Living Index By State 2019
David Brooks "The second Mountain: the quest for a moral life."
Retirement Places Rated: What You Need to Know to Plan the Retirement You Deserve: 1st mountain - personal goals - success Value time over people About ego Valley Freedom is not good 2nd mountain - service to others About heart and soul It's about relationship not self

25 Things to Do When You Retire | Baby Boomers | US News
Google Life Planning Retirement
Household Spending

last updated 8 Oct 2019