Created 10 Feb 2024

While children do learn fundamental respect from parents, Grandparents have a particular impact on this lesson because they do not fulfill a traditional authoritative role. Instead, children learn to value their elders and navigate their capacity for holding significant relationships separately from parents. Not only are grandparents a source of wisdom for young children, they also tend to introduce long standing family traditions and help formulate perceptions of healthy family dynamics.

Studies have shown that positive grandparent-grandchild relationships can have a significant impact on children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. They can contribute to higher self-esteem, increased academic achievement, and better emotional well-be (2)
[I think this may be more important in large families where parents are too busy to spend quality time with each child, Don}

when I googled "Lessons from Grandparents", Google gave me the following:
Generative AI is experimental.

People credit grandparents for many things, including:

Some life lessons grandparents can teach include: Other advice grandparents can give include: Grandparents can also help children learn by: See another list at: Superhero Grandparents – A Great Source of Wisdom! The Legacy Project - Cornell
1. Superhero Grandparents – A Great Source of Wisdom! The Legacy Project - Cornell
"So let's hear from June, 84. Her legacy to her grandchildren is this list of her life's lessons. Perhaps we all should pass on a list like this!"

2. How Grandparents Inform Our Lives: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Intergenerational Influence on Young Adults | Springer Nature - Pub Med Central (PMC) - National Library of Medicine |
"regardless of grandparent type, the substance of grandparent–grandchild relationships throughout the life course may be impactful for grandchildren in early adulthood."

3. Multigenerational Health Perspectives: The Role of Grandparents' Influence in Grandchildren's Wellbeing | Swiss School of Public Health - Pub Med Central (PMC) - National Library of Medicine |
"The profound effect of grandparents on key aspects of their grandchildren's development, including cognitive and verbal abilities, mental health, and overall wellbeing, has been covered in Coall and Hertwig's literature reviews"