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These are sometimes referred to as patient blogs or Patient-family/friends social networks.

While both CaringBridge and CarePages are free and have a similar goal, they operate differently. Each has privacy settings. Both allow two way communications and are free.
CaringBridge gets about 2M Unique visitors/year
CarePages gets about 1M unique visitors/year

I couldn't find any sites that did a feature comparison or rated either. I have friends/acquaintances who have used both.

A CaringBridge website helps keep loved ones informed during difficult times. In return, family and friends give patient and caregiver support through guestbook messages.

Allows a customized main page.

CaringBridge does not require users to log in but does count page views.

Ex. caringbridge.org/visit/camwagner

CarePages helps members and their families connect during and after hospitalization for illnesses. Through personalized websites, members can relate their stories, post photos and update friends and family instantly. In turn, people who care can send messages of love and encouragement.

CarePages requires every visitor to create a user profile before viewing a CarePage. CarePage users know who has seen their page. Readers have the option of receiving an e-mail every time a page is updated. The company is planning to launch a book service that will preserve a CarePage like a yearbook later this year.

Eg. carepages.com/carepages/KeithSproul (Requires creating an account first)

When illness strikes, sites keep loved ones up to date

Problems with CaringBridge


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last updated 20 Aug 2009