Bulletin #2

Mountain Medley is almost upon us and I have some last minute information I want to impart.

As soon as I receive it from the main office, I am going to send you a roster of everyone who's coming on the trip. This will include their names and addresses, although everyone's e-mail address is included above. You should feel comfortable communicating with each other before the trip, especially about your travel plans. Please note that all transportation to the lodge, trailheads, or other activities is the responsibility of each trip member. Leaders are unable to arrange carpools for participants. Those arriving by air should plan to rent a car or make their own arrangements to carpool with other trip participants.

The question has been asked if there is any public transportation from the Reno airport to the lodge. There is not. I did Google Greyhound, and got the following schedule: on July 29th, they leave Reno Airport for Truckee at 5:30 am., 9:30 am and 3:30 pm. On August 5, they go from Truckee to the airport at ll:35 am and 5:40 p.m. Anyone choosing to do this could then take a cab from Truckee, which I think (but am not sure) is around $40.

If you are planning to stay at the lodge either before the trip begins or after it ends, please arrange for the lodge staff to bill you separately for those nights.

When you arrive at the parking lot to the lodge, there is a steep climb on a dirt path of about 500 feet to the front door. If you do not have wheels on your luggage, it might be easier to carry two lighter pieces rather than one heavy one.

The trip officially beings at 3 pm on Sunday, July 30th. It is recommended you arrive a little early to unpack and get oriented. We will meet in the living room and spend some time getting acquainted before dinner is served at 5 p.m. Our last meal of the trip will be breakfast on Sunday, August 5th, although you will have the option of packing a sack lunch to take with you.

One final thing -- very important! If you have not sent me your medical form, participant approval form and waiver of liability, you have not been officially approved for the trip. There is a waiting list for Mountain Medley and I *must* have your paperwork in as soon as possible.

Thanks, and see you soon!