* Revisions to New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC) Title 14 - Board of Public Utilities,
Chapter 5 - Electrical Service, Subchapter 8/9 - Vegetation management
- Notice Of Solicitation Of Informal Public Input
- Stakeholder Comments | Stakeholder Response
Under Construction
Attached is a digest of some of the Stakeholder Replies. I apologize that in the interest of brevity they may be taken out of context.:
There were only 2 significant responses submitted in the July 21, 2008 to August 8, 2008 response period.
Jersey Central Power & Light Company was the only utility to follow procedures and respond to the list server.
Comments submitted jointly on behalf of Atlantic City Electric Company, Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Public Service Electric and Gas Company and Rockland Electric Company in a separate filing with the BPU
- "James Glassen" <jglassen@rpa.state.nj.us> August 8
I/M/O Prosposed Readoption of Vegetation Management Rules
Reply Comments Submitted on Behalf of the Division of Rate Counsel, NJ Dept. of the Public Advocate
- After reviewing initial comments the Rate Counsel will not be submitting specific comments in reply but rather relies upon the comments set forth inits initial filing.
- "Lasky, Marc" , Jersey Central Power & Light Company July 21
- pdf
JCP&L follows FirstEnergy System's Transmission Vegetation Management Progrem (FE TVMP). The FE TVMP is designed to adhere to the NERC Vegetation Management Standard FAC-003-1.
Transmission lines operating above 138kV shal be cleared no less than thirty feet from the conductor.
They reference IEE 516-2003 with a table that showe 138Kv clearance at 2.9' and a maximum clearance for 500kV lines of 14.7'
14:5-9.6 (b), (c) (f)2 and (f)3 [EDC shall be permitted to leave trees and other woody vegetation within the transmission right of way, under certain conditions] - Recommend that the minimum requiarements be adopted as specifided in NERC Standard FAC-003-1
14:5-9.6 (e)2 (e)3 (e)4 [EDC shall not allow any woody plant species that naturally matures above 15 feet to grow in the border zone.]- Ther requirements set forth in these two sections are unduly stringent and restrictive.