Resolution No. 2007 - 14 Approved at the League Business Meeting, November 16, 2007 Resolution approved by League Resolutions Committee, November 13, 2007 Resolution Calling for Revisions to BPU Vegetation Management Regulations Which Dictate Utility Requirements Along Transmission Lines WHEREAS, the New Jersey BPU has proposed revisions in the provisions of N.J.A.C. 14:5 which address vegetation management in Electric Distribution Company (EDC) Rights of Way; and WHEREAS, these revisions to N.J.A.C. 14:5 were published in the NJ Public Register on September 4, 2007 under BPU Docket No. EX070705111; and WHEREAS, the vegetation management rules and regulations found in N.J.A.C. 14:5-8, as proposed, would permit EDCs to clear cut vegetation in the Rights of Way; and WHEREAS, many EDCs have clear cut vegetation in its Rights of Way; and WHEREAS, such clear cutting has impaired the property values and quality of life of residents whose properties adjoin or are located near the EDC Rights of Way; and WHEREAS, maintenance of existing vegetation in the "Border Zone", as that term is defined in the proposed rules and regulations, by means of trimming, pruning and management techniques other than clear cutting will permit safe and reliable transmission of electric service to customers without the adverse impacts of clear cutting as set forth, herein, above; WHEREAS, the sponsors support revisions of the proposed rules that will maintain reliability and protect the quality of life of surrounding property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, in conference assembled, that it rejects the concept of clear cutting in EDC transmission line Rights of Way in favor of vegetation management which permits trees and other vegetation to grow in the "Border Zone" of said Rights of Way. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the New Jersey General Assembly, the New Jersey State Senate, the Board of Public Utilities and the Governor of the State of New Jersey. |