From: "Fox, Jeanne" <> Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Subject: RE: Consequences of BPU Vegetation Management Standard Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kahn, Thank you for expressing your deeply felt concerns in your response to the email from the Jessels. My fellow commissioners and I decided to reconsider our vegetation management rule due to public concerns such as yours. During the interim period, the utilities are authorized to use their professional judgment in line with the new federal requirements. Per the federal rules, utilities can face significant penalties. In fact, several large penalties have been issued to other utilities. I have been assured that the actions in Bridgewater have happened due to PSE&G following the federal requirements exclusive of any BPU rules. I note that we have required that the utilities use trained arborists and have allowed them to use their discretion on a case-by-case basis. I will refer your message to the BPU staff working on the new rule proposal for inclusion into our deliberative process. We have instructed them to look at specific exclusions such as agricultural crops. We may also allow some flexibility to the utilities. We are trying our best to balance grid reliability with aesthetic and environmental concerns. I am personally sorry for the distress that this matter has caused you and sincerely thank you for your input.
Respectfully, |