From: "Jim Naples" Date: June 6, 2008 Subject: Vegetation Management Activity June 9, 2008 Message contains attachments BPU VEGETATION MGMT NOTICE.PDF (638KB) To All Concerned: Despite our efforts, PSE&G will be conducting tree removal activity on 5 spans within Bridgewater Township starting on Monday June 9, 2008. We have met with BPU and PSE&G to postpone this activity so that the new rules could be considered and our request was denied. Mayor Flannery has contacted BPU President Jeanne Fox to protest this clear cutting activity. Unfortunately BPU will allow PSE&G to proceed to remove all non-ornamental trees from the border zone in the right of way. If you have any questions regarding a specific tree you should contact PSE&G representative Brian Hartel at 732-809-7781. If there is any question as to whether a tree may remain please take pictures to document for future responsibility on the part of the utility. Mr. Hartel will have copies of the notice of interim rules which BPU indicates has granted the utility permission to proceed. For your reference I have attached said rules to this email. Sincerely, James T. Naples Township Administrator