Under Construction

My idea here was to have a page on theology in general. That could take a lifetime, so I never got back to it.

Quote attributed to Pascal: There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus. Blaise Pascal

Actual Quote: "What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself." [Pascal(1623-1662), Pensees #148]

St. Augustine, The City of God, abt 410, Marcus Dods trans. (New York: The Modern Library).
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 1265-1274: A Concise Translation, Timothy McDermott, ed. (Allen, TX: Christian Classics, 1989).
Martin Luther, "Ninety Five Theses", 1517
John Calvin "Institutes of the Christian Religion", 1536.
Blaise Pascal, Pensées, published in 1670

How does God reveal himself? A Christian Perspective, Archbishop of Canterbury, Jan. 2009
Einstein Said He Believed in the Pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza
Great Christian Religions Thinkers at my blog.

last updated 19 Feb 2009