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Noah's ark: Another used the number of sheep in a box car as a basis, but didn't understand that there 2 levels in a small livestock transport box car so their calculations were off by a factor of 2.
My calculations below come up with an average of 1 sq ft per animal. There are a lot of small animals, mice, rats, cats, squirrels, gofers, prairie dogs, frogs, snakes, lizards, ..., This of course doesn't incude many other issues In "Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study", by John Woodmorappe, 1996, he seems to be the creationists answer to Moore's 1983 book The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark, in which he says "The story of the great flood and the voyage of the ark, as expounded by modern creationists, contains so many incredible 'violations of the laws of nature' that it cannot possibly be accepted by any thinking person.
Woodmorappe says: Doctors Morris and Whitcomb in their book, The Genesis Flood, estimate that approximately 35,000 animals were placed on board the ark.
Better numbers are:
They also answer the dinosaur question by saying they would have saved eggs only. I'm not sure how how the creationists' treat extinctions.
The plants are probably a bigger question, but if you assume Noah just took seeds that might work. However, some insects require certain species of live plants and what about 150 days of food for the herbivores? I'm not a botanist so don't know what the technical problems would be with this.
See taxonomy. Noah's Ark [300 cubits (450 feet) long, 50 cubits (75 feet) at the beam, and 30 cubits (45 feet) high] with 3 decks would provide 34,000 sq ft of deck space [Genesis 6:14-21]
Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.
That gives about 33,000 mammals, amphibians and reptiles (not counting birds because they can perch on the rafters and other animals backs)].
There is also the question of could a 450 ft ark made of cypress be built of that period and would it have structural integrity and sea worthiness, to survive?
There are lots of bogus pseudoscience calculations. E.g.
Some say: "The affect of small inbreeding population as animals dispersed after the Flood makes it easier for mutations to take hold and will greatly accelerating substitution rates." Other questions: