On November 20, 2022 The Rev. Cody J. Sanders, Ph.D. Gave a video sermon at the Davis Community Churce which dradrew from the gospel of John to help us address the realities of grief with all of its ambiguity and complexity.

He uses the story of Lazarus resurrection in John 11:1 to talk about grief not the meaning of the resurrection itself.

He says many English translations say that Jesus was “deeply moved and troubled” at the tomb of Lazarus, the original Greek word "embrimáomai" actually means that he expressed “furious indignation.”

It was the day after the 3rd birthday of my Grandson and triggered in me a new way of interpreting resurrection.


>Rev. Cody J. Sanders, Ph.D.
Former Assistant Minister of Pastoral Care at Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis.
Pastor, Old Cambridge Baptist Church 
American Baptist Chaplain, Harvard University 
Advisor for LGBTQ+ Affairs, Office of Religious Spiritual & Ethical Life, MIT