Trailhead Talk All Sierra Club Outings should begin with a trailhead talk. While some elements of this list might require more detail on an overnight outing and less on a short day hike, it is important that you cover each element. You can cover some of this information during a pre-outing meeting as well.

1. Welcome and Introductions

  • Gather the group together.
  • Introduce yourself and other outings staff.
  • Ask participant to introduce themselves and/or play an ice-breaker name game.
2. Roles and Expectations
  • Explain the leader's role and responsibility to the group.
  • Set or reaffirm the leader's expectations for the outing
  • Ask participants for their expectations and concerns.
3. Complete Paperwork and Sign Waivers Note: In most cases, the waiver should be signed at the initial meeting point, not the trailhead.
  • Present the liability waiver and ensure all participants understand it.
  • Have all participants read and sign a liability waiver.
  • Ensure you have medical authorization forms for all unaccompanied minors.
4. Introduce the Conservation Message
  • Introduce the issue you plan to discuss, materials you plan to hand out, etc.
5. Route Plan and Trail Conduct
  • Describe the route and travel plan.
  • Designate a "point" and "sweep" and set rules for group travel
  • Explain "pack it in/pack it out" and other Leave No Trace highlights that apply to your outing.
6. Safety Issues
  • Explain what to do if separated from the group (see Conducting an Outing: Lost Participants for Sierra Club procedures).
  • Describe the inherent risks involved in this activity.
  • Describe the environmental risks the group might encounter (i.e., river crossings, snow, etc.).
  • Briefly describe your safety management plan
  • Make sure all participants are comfortable with the risks.
  • Explain why hydration is important.
7. First Aid
  • Inform participants which leader is in charge of first aid and point out the location of the first aid kit.
  • Ask if anyone has medical issues you should know about.
  • Describe proper foot and blister care.
8. Equipment and Food
  • Ensure all participants have proper gear, food, and clothing.
9. Are you ready to go?
  • Answer any last minute questions.
  • Go for it!
On overnight trips, or when necessary, make sure to cover these additional topics during the first day: 1. Health and Hygiene
  • Ensure participants know that water must be purified and demonstrate the proper techniques.
  • Describe proper Leave No Trace etiquette for disposal of human wastes.
  • Explain the importance of hand washing, particularly before food preparation.
2. Campsite Selection and Conduct
  • Discuss proper Leave No Trace techniques for campsite selection.
  • Explain campsite safety issues (use of flashlights, etc.).
  • Describe techniques for reducing impact on the campsite.
  • Discuss the impacts of campfires and (if applicable) demonstrate Leave No Trace techniques for building a fire.
Source: Sierra Club Outing Nuts and Bolts

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last updated 4 Sep 2006