Don's Home Places California N. Central Davis Davis Temperature
last updated 18 June 2021

Sample Hourly results from 2 back-to-back 105+° Days June 17th 18th 2021
AM     PM
Actual Feels
Humid Actual Feels
12 77 78 37% 98 98 19%
1 74 75 41% 100 100 19%
2 73 73 42% 103 103 15%
3 70 71 48% 106 106 14%
4 67 67 57% 109 109 10%
5 66 66 50% 106 106 11%
6 66 66 50% 104 104 14%
7 69 70 52% 100 101 18%
8 75 76 40% 93 94 24%
9 82 82 32% 86 86 %
10 87 88 27% 79 80 38%
11 92 93 23% 76 76 44%

June 19, 2021
Time Conditions Temp. Feels Like Cloud
Humidity Wind Pressure
08:00:00 AM SunnySunny 73 °F 73 °F 4.00% 51 °F 45.00% 2 mph SW 29.72 in
09:00:00 AM SunnySunny 79 °F 79 °F 3.00% 51 °F 38.00% 2 mph SW 29.73 in
10:00:00 AM SunnySunny 84 °F 84 °F 3.00% 51 °F 31.00% 3 mph SSW 29.72 in
11:00:00 AM SunnySunny 88 °F 88 °F 0.00% 51 °F 28.00% 5 mph S 29.71 in
12:00:00 PM SunnySunny 92 °F 92 °F 0.00% 49 °F 23.00% 7 mph S 29.71 in
01:00:00 PM SunnySunny 95 °F 95 °F 0.00% 46 °F 19.00% 8 mph SSW 29.69 in
02:00:00 PM SunnySunny 98 °F 98 °F 0.00% 44 °F 16.00% 9 mph SSW 29.68 in
03:00:00 PM SunnySunny 98 °F 98 °F 0.00% 42 °F 15.00% 10 mph SSW 29.66 in
04:00:00 PM SunnySunny 100 °F 100 °F 0.00% 41 °F 13.00% 10 mph SSW 29.65 in
05:00:00 PM SunnySunny 100 °F 100 °F 0.00% 42 °F 14.00% 10 mph SSW 29.64 in
06:00:00 PM SunnySunny 98 °F 98 °F 0.00% 44 °F 16.00% 9 mph SSW 29.63 in
07:00:00 PM SunnySunny 94 °F 94 °F 0.00% 46 °F 19.00% 9 mph SSW 29.63 in
08:00:00 PM SunnySunny 87 °F 87 °F 0.00% 48 °F 26.00% 6 mph S 29.64 in
09:00:00 PM ClearClear 79 °F 79 °F 0.00% 49 °F 35.00% 6 mph SSW 29.66 in
10:00:00 PM ClearClear 74 °F 74 °F 0.00% 50 °F 43.00%
"Feels like" takes into account more than temperature.
Humidity makes it seem warmer, wind and cloud make it seem cooler.
See Temperature Indexes for an explanation of "Feels Like"

I cool my house to 76° at 4 PM then turn off the AC until 9PM during the high rate period, because I have a time-of-use plan with higher rates from 4-9 and lower rates at other times.

Time Outdoor* Indoor
4      100     76  
5      100     78
6      100     79
7       98     81
8       92     82
9       85     83
* Front porch