Monthly Vegetable Gardening Tips | UC Master Gardners
Summer Gardening in the Sacramento Valley! | Redwood Barn
A month-by-month checklist for Sacramento gardeners
Tips from above articles
- When flowers begin to bloom in spring, that’s a great time to start planting trees, perennials, vines and shrubs. Bee
- Contrary to popular belief, the periods of extreme summer temperatures shouldn't cause you to stop planting. Most plants establish and grow best in a temperature range of 55 - 90F, and most of our summer here is in that range. - Red Barn
The only time we stop planting here is when the soil is too muddy.
Fertilizer applied during the summer should always be watered in immediately. - Red Barn
Master Gardner highlights
- January
Think about seeds
- February
Sow seeds of cool-season crops
Beets, carrots, lettuce, and peas can be planted into the garden from seed this month.
Start tomato seeds
Amend Soil
Plant tomatoes
Tomato and pepper transplants can be planted this month. Seeds of pumpkins, beans, corn, squash, cucumbers, and melons can be sown in the garden around the middle of this month.
Grow a summer cover crop of buckwheat
If there are sunny areas of your vegetable garden that will not be planted during the summer, consider growing a summer cover crop. Warm weather cover crops are an excellent management tool for controlling weeds and providing a habitat and food for beneficial insects.
Consider a cool-season garden