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Tibetan Medicine: (Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism)

Tibetan medicine is based on the triadic, or three-element theory of rLung, Tripa, Badkan, which are known in the Dr. Badmaev Tradition as Chi, Schara, and Badahan. rLung/Chi represents air and space, Tripa/Schara represents fire and energy, and Badkan/Badahan, the material factors of earth and water. The three elements represent an interdependent natural order that forms the basis of all perceived phenomenon in the universe and an imbalance among them gives rise to not being well emotionally, psychologically and physically.
It developed over 1300 years ago from a variety of medical traditions including Ayurveda (Hindu), Western (Greek), Persian, Chinese , and the Buddhist and indigenous Bonpo religions of Tibet.
Source: Principles of Tibetan Medicine | Adaptrin

  • Chi - air and space
      Awareness - providing the direction for actions. Plays an important role in spiritual development.
    In traditional Chinese thought, chi is the vital force believed to be inherent in all things. Unimpeded circulation of chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health.
  • Schara - fire and energy
      Willpower - which symbolizes the function required to fulfill actions by an individual and also plays an important role in spiritual development.
  • Badahan - earth and water
      Compassion - which is the state of being in which an individual is at peace with himself or herself. It is a feeling of being devoid of attachment, anger, pride, and jealousy.

Dr. Badmaev
A Tibetan medicine practitioner from Buryat Mongol became well known in the Russian Royal court in 1893.

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last updated 11 jan 2013