Thank you for signing up for "Introduction to Backpacking", Sierra Club trip #10103A
I'm the leader for this trip. Francy Rubin, our assistant leader, and I will do everything we can to help you have a comfortable, safe and enjoyable hiking outing.
Forms - Approval:
Here is some introductory information.
We strongly recommend that you consider borrowing or renting a backpacking tent and a backpack (make sure it fits) instead of purchasing these items. If you do not have a tent, notify the leader, as other participants on the trip may be willing to share. The main thing you need to consider now is your boots. You'll be much happier if they're well broken in BEFORE the trip. You won't need heavy-duty hard-core stiff all-leather boots - nylon uppers are fine. However, high-top boots are required because you will be carrying loads over rough terrain and possibly thru some snow. Preparation: If you haven't yet started a training program to prepare for the hiking then I encourage you to begin a consistent one now. Keep in mind that the elevation of Clair Tappaan Lodge is 7200 ft. and if there's any way you can hike at altitude before coming it will prove helpful. At any rate, go on hikes, climb stairs, walk, bicycle -- anything that gets you moving and your heart rate up is beneficial. Treadmills and stairmasters are good to a point, but it is important to spend time walking on uneven terrain to simulate a mountain trail. Both uphill and downhill are important as they use different muscle groups. Don't worry about the degree of strenuousness involved -- there will be more than one hiking option to fit everyone's needs. Even if you walk 4 to 5 miles a day, allow at least 3 to 4 weeks to train (If you're new to exercise, you'll need 6 to 8 weeks).
Getting there:
In future correspondence to the group I'd like to share participants e-mail addresses so they can arrange ride sharing from the airport or compare notes. If you'd rather I not share your e-mail please let me know. Don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. I am retired, so you can call anytime 8 AM-11 PM EST (732) 560-0369.