Adding Helper/Viewer Applications

Web browsers can be configured to start viewer/helper applications automatically when accessing a document (e.g. sound, MS Word, Movies) that can't be displayed directly by the browser. It does this by mapping file name suffixes to Document/MIME types and mapping MIME types to the Application.

Configuring Mosaic Clients to use the correct viewer/helper:

See Viewers and Document types and Viewer/Helpers for some general information. The MIME types page has a list of common MIME types and default configurations for several browsers. You can test your config. at the Test/Demo Page

MS Windows: Instructions for adding Helpers to Netsape, in their handbook. There is list of recommended additions below.

Some combinations of browsers and applications may not recognize when there is a copy of the application already running and report "Can't start two copies of the same application." In this case it may be better to set your browser to just download the file. (Thanks to sdr for this tip)

See also instructions for Configuring Viewers at Spry , at Netsape, at Adobe

Viewers are avaiable at:

Some viewers have been downloaded to the webpages directory on DesktopC and under collabor/pub/Carl Silva/kits/netscape on DesktopC. See the notes there.

Return to Installing a Client

X Windows / UNIX: edit /usr/local/lib/mosaic/mime.types and .mailcap See: Extension Map Files and Mailcap Files


     (See Notes at Netscape Comm. Corp and Notes at Adobe)
      and Recommended Mac Helpers for Bellcore.
    Note: There is a preconfigurd preference file with the recommended helper
    applications on the PCSC server in the PCSC zone.

    Select "Preferences" under the "Options" menu.
    Click on the popup menu at the top and select "Helper Applications"
    Press the New... button 
       Enter MIME type  (e.g. application)
       and MIME subtype (e.g.msword)
    Click in the Extensions text field  and enter the file name extension
        (e.g. doc)
    Click the Browse button to select an application. 
         Choose the application's default file type from the File Type pop-up menu. 
        Select Save, Launch Application, Use Netscape as VIewer, or Unknown
       Unknown: Prompt User to designate the action performed by the helper
          Save: produces a dialog box for saving a file to disk after the file is downloaded. 
        Launch Application: opens the selected application using the downloaded file as its document. 

  Note: If an application is already open when a document is downloaded
Netscape 1.0 will open a dialog box asking you to select the file it
has just downloaded and put in the directory specified in preferences
or the System Folder (default).

MS Windows Full List of recommended Additions Apps. You may be able to locate an application by looking in C:\windows\win.ini The Viewer may something like one of the following: L:\public\appmeter\winword.exe %ls (for Desktop systems) C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\WINWORD.EXE (for Laptops) Desktop Apps: MIME Type/Subtype Extension Viewer application/msword .doc,.dot c:\msoffice\winword\winword.exe application/vnd.framemaker .frm,.fm3,.fm4,.mk c:\maker4\frame.exe application/vnd.mif .mif c:\maker4\frame.exe application/ .xls,.xlc c:\msoffice\excel\excel.exe application/ .ppt c:\msoffice\powerpnt\powerpnt.exe application/ .mpt,.mpp c:\winproj\winproj.exe application/x-notes .ntf,nsf c:\NOTES\bcrnotes.exe application/x-organizer .or2 c:\org2\organize.exe application/x-coreldrw .cdr coreldrw.exe text/x-sgml .sgm,.sgml C:\..\panorama.exe application/SGML-Open-Catalog Common Internet Doc Types: See the notes on Viewers on Desktopc. application/pdf .pdf ACROREAD.EXE (Acrobat Reader) application/winhlp .hlp C:\windows\winhelp.exe application/zip .zip EXPANDER.EXE (StuffIt Expander) application/x-suffit .sit EXPANDER.EXE application/x-arc .arc EXPANDER.EXE application/octet-stream .exe none. save to file. image/tiff .tif C:\windows\pbrush.exe video/x-msvideo .avi C:\windows\mplayer.exe video/quicktime .qt,.mov Spry Defaults you may want to change: Default Alternative video/mpeg .mpg dmfw vmpegwin.exe (VMPEG Lite) application/postscript .ps,.eps ghostscript Send to Printer audio/basic .au,.snd wplany.exe WHAM.EXE audio/wav change to x-wav .wav C:\windows\mplayer.exe x-wav is the default on NCSAs server Other Spry Defaults: image/jpeg .jpg C:\air\bin\imagevw.exe or O:\commun\air3\bin\imagevw.exe image/gif .gif imagevw.exe image/x-win-bmp .bmp imagevw.exe

10/18/94. Send comments and updates to