
inetd is a process on UNIX systems that sits in the background and listens to various network ports. When a machine tries to make a connection to a certain port (for example, the incoming telnet port), inetd forks off a copy of the appropriate daemon for that port (in the case of the telnet port, inetd starts in.telnetd). This is simpler than running many separate, standalone daemons (e.g., individual copies of telnetd, ftpd, and so forth) ---inetd starts up the daemons only when they are needed.

3.4: How To Cause inetd to Log All Requests?

This is done by adding the -t switch to inetd. This should be done in the /etc/rc (SunOS) or /etc/rc2.d/S72inetsvc (Solaris). This will log all service requests to syslog, provided syslog.conf has been setup to capture daemon.notice type messages (by default daemon.notice message are logged to /var/adm/messages).