last updated 12 November 2022

Violence Prevention Research Program | UC Davis July, 2022

Garen Wintemute, an emergency department physician and director of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program.

A new report published as a preprint on from researchers at the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program (VPRP) reveals alarming trends in attitudes toward violence, including political violence, in the United States. The survey is the first of its kind to explore the participants’ personal willingness to engage in specific political violence scenarios.
In included 8,620 respondents, equally split kl men and women; average age 48.

The survey questions focused on three areas: beliefs regarding democracy and the potential for violence in the United States, beliefs regarding American society and institutions, and support for and willingness to engage in violence, including political violence. Some key findings from those surveyed:

Violence Prevention Research Program | UC Davis
Gun Violence Prevention | American Psychological Assn. (APA)
Public Support for Gun Violence PreventionPolicies Among Gun Owners and Non-Gun Ownersin 2017 | American Journal of Public Health (AJPH)
Endorsement of “De-Policing the Gun Violence Prevention Movement Policy Playbook” - Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Political Violence