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Soldering Guns
Model Cost BR*
Weller 9400PKS 140/100 wattage $38 7.1 (61) 4.8 (21)
Weller 8200PKS 140/100 † $42 4.5 (245)
Weller D550PK 200/260 $48 4.4 (450)
Craftsman 150/230 watt $40 9.2 (71) 4.3 (12)
Weller D650 200-300 Watt $50 8.1 (36) 4.2 (142)
Cutter:Flux;Solder 100 Watt $50 9.5 (53) 3.2 (101)
* BR - Best reviews - Scores vary a lot from Amazon
See Reviews skewed
† Weller 8200 best at Soldering Guns vs. Soldering Irons | DoItYourself.com

Soldering Guns vs. Soldering Irons | DoItYourself.com
Soldering Guns Versus Soldering Irons
Soldering Irons - wattage 40w 80w - what does it mean? | Telecaster Guitar Forum
How to Pick the Best Soldering Iron: 4 Steps
Top 10 Soldering Guns of 2018 - Best Reviews Guide
Soldering Irons - wattage 40w 80w - what does it mean? | Telecaster Guitar Forum

last updated 7 Jan 2018