Rankings vary by source. Some may rank by revenues not units sold.
(unit sales worldwide - millions 2014 or 2015), #N (Rank 2015), [US sales (Thousands) 2015 est.]
Toyota Toyota (10.1) #1
  Lexus   Lexus [318]
Volkswagen, VW Volkswagen (9.9) #2
 General Motors General Motors (9.8) #3
  Chevrolet Chevrolet
  Buick Buick
Nissan Nissan (8.2) #4
  Infiniti   Infiniti [129]
Hyundai Hyundai-Kia (7.7) #5
Ford Ford (6.6) #6
Fiat Fiat-Chrysler (4.6) #7
  Chrysler Chrysler
    Chrysler Dodge
    Chrysler Ram
Honda Honda (4.4) [1,332] #8
  Acura   Acura [174]
Jeep Jeep [803]
Kia Kia [622]
Subaru Subaru [545]
Mercedes Mercedes (1.8)[357]
BMW BMW (2.1)  [337]
  Mini Mini (BMW) [61]
Mazda Mazda [318]
Audi Audi [187]
mitsubishi Mitsubishi [99]
Land Rover [65]
volvo volvo [59]
Peugeot Peugeot-Citron (3.0) #9
 suzuki Suzuki (2.9) #10
SAIC (China) #11

Tesla Tesla (0.05)
Mustang Mustang [128]
Corvette Corvette
Jaguar - Land Rover (0.4)
Jaguar  [16]

Top selling cars in the US (2015) (1,000s):
1. Ford-2,482; 2. Chevrolet-2,107; 3. Toyota-2,095; 4. Nissan-1,344; 5. Honda-1,332; 6. Jeep-803; 7. Hyundai-742; 8. Kia-622; 10. Subaru-545; Others
The 3 most popular cars in the US are Ford, Chevy and Dodge pickups.
See Most popular models at Auto Buying Guides

Best selling manufacturers (USA)
Top 10 Largest Car Companies in the World
10 Best Car Companies by Auto Sales -- The Motley Fool
Toyota stays world's biggest car company, VW clings to second | News.Markets
USA Auto Sales Brand Rankings - June 2015 YTD - GOOD CAR BAD CAR
The most popular new vehicle in each state? Not what you might expect | yahoo
See High Mileage AWD Cars

last updated 27 Feb 2004