I've run across several articles on Hillary Clinton recently which talk about the various sides of her.
A summary:

  • She's very smart
  • She's detail oriented
  • She's a pragmatist
  • She will almost always try to protect the people she's passionate about (Disadvantaged, Children, )
  • She can work the floor in congress (à la LBJ) to get compromises
  • She will on occasion waffle to avoid upsetting her financial backers.

On Nov 4th, 2016 "This American Life" (NPR) started off their program about the email server by talking with Elizabeth Warren about Hillary's history with a bankruptcy bill which hurt divorced women. (podcast)
She first convinced president Bill Clinton to veto the bill.
When it came up again while she was a Senator she lobbied to get a provision protecting divorced women.
When it came up a third time without those provisions she skipped the vote.

They go on to talk about details of the FBI email report and technology (Blackberries, email, laptops,) at the State Department. They claimed that Hillary didn't know how to use a desktop computer so wanted email that would work on her blackberry.

In his October 2016 New Republic article, "Hillarys For President!" , Jack Hitt also talks about the bankruptcy bill, but goes on to talk about the A student, the opportunist, the mastermind, the rat fink, the pragmatist, and the truth-twister.

His conclusion,

"The political landscape that lies before us next year will require a president who has the capacity to be a cutthroat negotiator, a quiet friend, a forgiving enemy, a turncoat, and a detail-obsessed wonk. If the country elects such a person, there is a distinct possibility that American democracy will discover that inch-by-inch progress on legislation happens after vigorous wrangling, which eventually gets to a deeply unsatisfying resolution that leaves almost everybody in a grumpy mood, and sort of works, but not all that well and yet well enough to get us to the next fight--which, if you will recall, is exactly what the Founding Fathers sketched out on paper in 1787. And here's the thing: If it unfolds that way, under President Hillary Clinton, then historians will be able to honestly say that Donald Trump lived up to his promise, however accidentally, and made America great again."

In his book "Dancing Naked in the Mind Field", Nobel Prize-winning American biochemist Kary Mullis, talks about meeting Hillary and asking her about healthcare.
" I did have the opportunity to speak with Hillary. At that time she was in charge of American health care. I wondered whether she really knew what she was doing. For example, did she know how the health care system worked in Australia? I had the feeling that if I asked her about it she would tell me that someone on her staff was an expert on the subject. She told me exactly how the health care system works in Australia. "Okay," I said. "How about Ireland? How does it work in Ireland?" She told me exactly how the health care system works in Ireland.
I came away thinking she was a smart woman."

Hillarys For President!, Jack Hitt | New Republic Oct. 11, 2016
More about the email thing.
NPR podcast - Email - Technology, Nov 4, 2016