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See measurement terms (Btu, Joule, barrels, tonnes, ...) at the statistics page.
Greenhouse gases (GHG) are:
Anthropogenic - Manmade - Primarily burning fossil fuels.
Natural - Methane from bacterial  breakdown of organic matter in wetlands
     Nitrous Oxide is released naturally from oceans and bacteria in soils
     Carbon dioxide (CO2) from decaying trees, forest fires, volcanos, ...
     Water Vapor
   They keep the earth about 60° warmer than it woud be otherwise.

Radiative forcing (RF) - the change in net irradiance (solar plus longwave) at the tropospause.
  It is used in formulas to compute temperature change on the ground.
  measured in Watts per square meter (W/m2)
ppm - Parts per million
ppb - Parts per billion
See measurement terms (Btu, Joule, barrels, tonnes, ...) at the statistics page.

The Institute for the Analysis of Global Security - Gossary
Energy GLossary Page at EIA DOE
Energy GLossary Page at EIA DOE
Maverick Energy, Lexicon of Oil & Gas Terms at
Earth's atmosphere

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last updated 25 Apr 2010